Why not? But I'll make my case in a moment.
For many beginning a new fitness program or just getting back into the gym, the overwhelming sense of where to begin is a real struggle. We have more pieces of fitness equipment than ever in facilities. A program for this and a program for that. We can make fitness as complicated or as simple as possible. Now, simple doesn't mean easy, but it does mean attainable, understandable, and provides the possibility for sustainability. With so many fancy exercises, programs, fitness tools, invading every corner of social media, it's very likely we can get our eyes off of the main objective; that building the body of your goals, is through SMART training...SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, RELEVANT, AND TIME-BOUND.
Kettlebells, one of the top 3 tools in the fitness industry, does just that! First of all, you only need a couple bells to get insanely fit. So it checks off the need for a lot of equipment. Secondly, they can be taken most anywhere and the amount of movements you can do with them are almost limitless. And thirdly, they are a very precise tool to achieve those SMART goals without overcomplicating your training session. Let's break it down! They are SPECIFIC because they provide the ability to build a firm foundation of strength training, hypertrophy, and incredible cardiac output with small changes to programming. They are MEASURABLE, because there are adaptable programs to set your baseline and then adjust with variables to get you to the next level. They are ATTAINABLE because once you have a good kettlebell coach to get you started and the skills are learned and solidified, the door is open for you to empower yourself with becoming your own best training ally and coach. They are RELEVANT because kb's are no respecter of persons....males and females alike can adapt them to their own particular purposes. And finally they are TIME-BOUND. You can safely and effectively induce results in a 30 min session without having to leave your house and without having to do hours and hours of cardio or mindless lifting sessions at the gym.
Whether you're a newbie to fitness, a cardio junkie that needs to balance their workouts with strength training, a mom with 3 kids and limited time, a traveling business professional that needs to make every second count, kettlebells never let you down. You can simplify at least one area of your life by finding a cast iron bell with handle that will change your body, your mind, and have you feeling confident inside and out...that's what KB Strength does!
Barbell and free weights, IMO
What are saying the other two top tools are?